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RSS Latest Content Added to the NALCC

Handout 9b proposal for sole source contract - Tidal Culverts
Handout 9b Proposal for sole source contract Tidal Culvert assessment prepared by UMass Amherst
Handout 9a Draft proposal for sole source contract - Aquatic Classification and Mapping in Canada
Handout 9a Draft proposal for sole source contract - Aquatic Classification and Mapping in Canada prepared by Nature Conservancy Canada with partners
Handout 8 Science Delivery Needs Summaries
Handout 8 Science Delivery Needs Summaries prepared for April 2015 Steering Committee meeting
Handout 7 Science Needs Summaries
Handout 7 Science Needs Summaries for highest ranking science needs prepared for April 2015 Steering Committee meeting
Handout 6 Consolidated Science and Science Delivery Need Recommendation
Handout 6 Consolidated Science and Science Delivery Need Recommendation based on input received at April 2015 Steering Committee meeting
Handout 3 Highlights and Action Items April 2015 Steering Committee Meeting
Handout 3 Highlights and Action Items April 22 2015 Steering Committee Meeting in Newport, RI
Handout 2 Minutes from April 2015 Steering Committee Meeting
Handout 2 Minutes from April 22, 2015 North Atlantic LCC Steering Committee Meeting in Newport, RI
Handout 1 Agenda for June 2016 Conference Call
Handout 1 Agenda for June 2016 Conference Call
Save the Monarch Butterfly Page
Fish and Wildlife Service webpage dedicated to saving the Monarchs. Includes links to maps, projects, partnerships, and much more.
Scope of Work
iPlover featured in DOI's Newswave
A special edition of the Department of the Interior's quarterly newsletter on ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes activities highlights the work of LCCs, including the North Atlantic LCC-supported iPlover smartphone app.
Project Proposal - Canada Mapping
Original project proposal: Extending the Northeast Terrestrial Habitat Map to Atlantic Canada
Grant Extension Request (2014)
Grant Extension Request and proposed amended actions
2014 July-Sept. Quarterly Report - PARCAS
2014 July-Sept. (3rd) Quarterly Report - PARCAS
Presentation: Assessing priority amphibian and reptile conservation areas (PARCAs) in the NALCC
Presentation by Moodey et al at the NEAFWA Conference in 2014
Barrett - Final report for work performed at University of Georgia
Report of work completed at UGeorgia; Barrett moved to Clemson University and will finish project at that institution
Region 5 Monarch Projects
List of monarch projects, both National and Regional. Also includes a list of partners.
Region 5 Monarch Conservation Action Plans
Summary of monarch habitat restoration and enhancement commitments in Region 5 using existing funds for FY 2015
2015 Narraguagus River Ice Out Time Lapse Photography
Time Lapse Photography of Ice out on the Narraguagus below the Ice Control Dam. The USFWS Maine Fishery Resources Office monitored ice out on the Narraguagus River near Cherryfield, Maine from March 31 to April 28, 2015. Photos were taken every 5 minutes from 6AM to 7PM. File is quite large at 80 mb for 4 locations- from Ice Control Dam to Veterans Park in Cherryfield.
North Atlantic LCC Steering Committee Call Jun 16, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM
Please hold Tuesday, June 16th, at 11:00 a.m. for a follow up call to the April meeting.

Document Actions