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Lewiston Stream-Smart Road Crossing Workshop, Phase I Feb 26, 2015 from 08:00 AM to 12:30 PM Ramada Conference Center, 490 Pleasant Street, Lewiston, Maine,
Maintain fish and wildlife habitat while protecting roads and public safety. Prepare for the large and frequent storm events that have been washing out roads around the state and the northeast.
2016-2019 WTWG Stream Temperature Monitoring Protocol
Most recent stream temperature monitoring protocol developed by the Water Temperature Working Group.
A Simple Protocol Using Underwater Epoxy to Install Annual Temperature Monitoring Sites in Rivers and Streams
Isaak, Daniel J.; Horan, Dona L.; and Wollrab, Sherry P. 2013. A Simple Protocol Using Underwater Epoxy to Install Annual Temperature Monitoring Sites in Rivers and Streams. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-314. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Water Quality Monitoring Protocol Manual for Maine Atlantic Salmon Rivers.
Arter, Barbara S. 2004. Water Quality Monitoring Protocol Manual for Maine Atlantic Salmon Rivers. BSA Environmental Consulting.
Measuring Stream Temperature with Digital Data Loggers: A User's Guide
Dunham, Jason; Chandler, Gwynne; Rieman, Buce; Martin, Don. 2005. Measuring Stream Temperature with Digital Data Loggers: A User's Guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-150WWW. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 15 p.
Protocol for Placement and Retrieval of Temperature Data Loggers in Idaho Streams
Idaho Division of Environmental Quality, 1999. Protocol for Placement and Retrieval of Temperature Data Loggers in Idaho Streams. Water Quality Monitoring Protocols- Report NO.10.
Spatial Hydro-Ecological Decision Support (SHEDS)
This web application tool is designed to facilitate decision-making by providing a system that seamlessly links data to models to model results. Users can upload data, run models, view results and use the results to inform decisions in one integrated system. SHEDS has been funded by the NE Climate Science Center, the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative, USGS and DOI Hurricane Sandy Restoration funds, and the USGS National Climate Science Center.
NorEaST Stream Temperature Data Inventory
The NorEaST web portal was developed to serve as a coordinated, multi-agency regional framework to map and store continuous stream temperature locations and data for New England, Mid Atlantic, and Great Lakes States. Stream temperature monitoring locations and metadata can be viewed for nearly 7900 monitoring locations across 22 states, contributed by 41 different organizations. The objectives of the project are to 1) Identify common data fields and structures that are state-of-the-art for maintaining water quality data. Using this information, the PIs will build a data template and framework to store incoming stream temperature data, build web services to output these standards, and format select datasets to demonstrate applications of these data, 2) Conduct user testing to engage agencies and other users/data stewards to refine the web portal for data access and management purposes, and 3) Develop and apply models for targeted applications of selected data to demonstrate the utility of large scale, consistent stream temperature data in decision making.
Rocky Mountain Research Station
This website provides resources to help those in the western U.S. organize temperature monitoring efforts, describes techniques for measuring stream temperatures, and describes several statistical models for predicting stream temperatures and thermally suitable fish habitats from temperature data. You will also find useful links to other stream temperature resources such as publications, videos, and presentations on topics relating to thermal regimes in streams.
USFS Epoxy Protocol Video
The USFS method for using an underwater epoxy to permanently attach stream sensors to boulders.
Meeting Agenda
7/24/2014 (Bangor)
Next Steps
From 1/10/14 Meeting
1/10/14 Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes
Notes as scribed by Jed during the 1/22/15 meeting.
Meeting Agenda
1/22/15, Hallowell DMR Office.
Forest Change Gain, 2000-2012, Northeast
This dataset represents forest gain during the period 2000-2012, defined as the inverse of loss, or a non-forest to forest change, entirely within the study period, for the Northeast region including Canada. Data was encoded as either 1 (gain) or 0 (no gain). The Northeast data from the Global Forest Change dataset was acquired as 10x10 degree tiles, consisting of seven files per tile. All files contained unsigned 8-bit values and have a spatial resolution of 1 arc-second per pixel, or approximately 30 meters per pixel at the equator. The data was then mosaicked and clipped to the Northeast region including the North Atlantic LCC boundary in Canada. The data are results from a time-series analysis of 654,178 Landsat 7 ETM+ images in characterizing global forest extent and change from 2000 through 2012. For additional information about these results, please see the associated journal article (Hansen et al., Science 2013).
Update on Connectors
Presented by Randy Dettmers
Proposed Timing and Process for Design Review
Short and long-term proposed steps for timing and process of design review and finalization
Document: Notes from 12-19-2014 Core Team Meeting
Annotated notes with selected screen shots
Agenda: Core Team Meeting 01-30-2015
Agenda, Handouts and Presentation for January 30th Core Team Meeting in Hadley, Massachusetts from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

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