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Salt Marsh Integrity Index
Susan Adamowicz (FWS)
Linked sea level rise, response, habitat and species models, an example from beaches and plovers
Rob Thieler (USGS)
Landscape Capability models
Bill DeLuca (UMass Amherst)
Distribution/abundance models, Bayes Net projections under SLR, demographic data
Chris Elphick et al. (University of Connecticut/SHARP)
Coastal wetland dynamics and wildlife populations
Allan O'Connell (USGS)
Coupled Marsh Equilibrium Model and hydrodynamic model (ADCIRC)
Jim Morris (University of South Carolina)
Optimization of marsh restoration for storm surge abatement and sea level rise: hydro-marsh model
Scott Hagen (University of Central Florida)
Wetland change after Hurricane Sandy
Chris Elphick (University of Connecticut/SHARP)
Wetland stability as a function of sediment transport
Neil Ganju (USGS)
Regional Bayesian model on inundation/dynamic response
Erika Lentz (USGS)
Coastal and adjacent data layers from Designing Sustainable Landscapes
Joanna Grand (UMass Amherst)
Latest NWI Coastal Data, marsh migration zone sampling
Ralph Tiner (FWS NWI)
Status of location data on DOI Hurricane Sandy Bureau (FWS, NPS, USGS) and NFWF projects
Lia McLaughlin (FWS)
Beach response models
Rob Thieler (USGS)
Measuring sediment budgets
Neil Ganju (USGS)
Storm surge data and models
Peter Murdoch (USGS)
Sea level rise models for the North Atlantic
Radley Horton (Columbia University, NECSC)
CMECS Project Crosswalk Tables
Crosswalk tables to accompany the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) to the Northwest Atlantic Crosswalk Project Data.
CMECS Final Report
Full report to accompany the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) to the Northwest Atlantic Crosswalk Project Data.
NAMERA - CMECS Crosswalked Dataset
This dataset reflects the final regional scale CMECS crosswalk results for Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregional Assessment's (NAMERA) Benthic Habitat Model. Note: These final crosswalks/maps are results of our attempts at crosswalking NAMERA units to CMECS units and may at times incorrectly map/classify features. Please refer to the final report for crosswalk details, methods and more information on crosswalks and limitations.

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