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Handout 7b Summary of Training Delivered
Handout 7b Summary of Training Delivered in 2014
Handout 7a Summary of Science Delivery Projects
Handout 7a Summary of Science Delivery Projects including demonstration projects
Handout 6c DOI Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Common Metrics
Handout 6c DOI Hurricane Sandy Resiliency DRAFT Common Metrics Table of Contents and Introduction
Handout 17 WMI OMB Requirements
Handout 17 WMI OMB Requirements for conflict of interest
Handout 16 WMI Budget Summary
Handout 16 North Atllantic LCC WMI Budget Summary
Handout 9 - Summary of Connecticut River Watershed Pilot
Handout 9 - Summary of Connecticut River Watershed Pilot
Handout 5c Spatial Data Layers
Handout 5c Spatial Data Layers available for Northeast Region
Handout 2 - Attendance List North Atlantic LCC Steering Committee Meeting October 28-29, 2014
Handout 2 - Attendance List North Atlantic LCC Steering Committee Meeting October 28-29, 2014
Handout 1 Steering Committee Meeting Agenda October 28-29, 2014
Handout 1 Steering Committee Meeting Agenda October 28-29, 2014
Handout 15 - Current Science Delivery Team Membership
Handout 15 - Current Science Delivery Team Membership
Handout 11 - Communications Toolkit Summary
Handout 11 - Communications Toolkit Summary and purpose for Steering Committee Discussion
Handout 11b LCC Product User Guide
Handout 11b Draft "Product User Guide" for Steering Committee review as a potential communication tool.
NALCC Newsletters
A quarterly roundup of science information, tools and delivery; project highlights; news and events; and the people behind the North Atlantic LCC.
Communications Framework
Overview of communication goals, key messages and potential audiences, to support consistent communications to more targeted audiences.
Status of Science Projects
Snapshot of the status of current and completed projects supported by the North Atlantic LCC.
Handout 10 Multiple Scales of Conservation White Paper
Handout 10 white paper developed by LCC staff describing an approach for multiple scales of conservation planning and design in the North Atlantic LCC Northeast
Handout 12d LCC Network Strategic Plan
LCC Network Strategic Plan released October 2014
Handout 6b Hurricane Sandy Competitive Science Projects
Handout 6b Table of DOI Hurricane Sandy NFWF Competitive projects with science components
Handout 6a LCC DOI Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Projects
Handout 6a describing project components of the three DOI Hurricane Sandy resiliency projects on streams, beaches and marshes
Handout 8 RCOA Summary for Directors
Handout 8 summarizing the Regional Conservation Opportunity Areas process and next steps

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