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Excel Workbook: Terrestrial Ecosystem Core Area Summary Statistics
Representation of different macrogroups in core areas in each of 8 scenarios for macrogroups and ecological systems
Document: Terrestrial Ecosystem Core Area Questions
Decision Points/Questions and explanations for core area selection
Document: CT River Watershed Species Weighting Matrix, Revised 09-11-2014
Updated species weighting matrix
Document: Terrestrial Core Areas for Review
Description of potential scenarios
Agenda: September 23, 2014 Aquatics Subteam Meeting
Document: Notes from September 4, 2014 Aquatics Subteam Meeting
Summary and description of decisions made
Document: Project Update 09-12-2014
Migratory landbird stopover project - NEXRAD - update for September 2014.
Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic
Detailed Northeast Resilience Report
Permeability Report
Permeability documentation is taken from a larger report, "Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Region"
NE Habitat Guides
Accompanies the NE Terrestrial Habitat Map, includes introductory material, all of the terrestrial and aquatic habitat guides, and appendices.
Document: Radar analysis of fall bird migration stopover sites in the northeastern US
Published in the journal Ornithological Applications, 2014, by Buler and Arnold
Presentation: Validation of NEXRAD Data and Models of Bird Migration
Interim Project Update: Validation of NEXRAD Data and Models of Bird Migration Stopover Sites in the Northeastern US
Journal Article: Sampling strategies for estimating brook trout effective population size, Whiteley et al. 2012
Whiteley, A. R., J. A. Coombs, M. Hudy, Z. Robinson, K. H. Nislow, and B. H. Letcher. 2012. Sampling strategies for estimating brook trout effective population size. Conservation Genetics.
Journal Article: Quantifying the uncertainties of hydrology response under climate change, Steinschneider et al. 2012
Steinschneider, S., A. Polebitski, C. Brown, and B. H. Letcher. 2012. Toward a statistical framework to quantify the uncertainties of hydrologic response under climate change. Water Resources Research 48:W11525.
Journal Article: Combining a Bayesian nonparametric method with a hierarchical framework to estimate individual and temporal variation in growth, Sigourney et al. 2012
Sigourney, D. B., S. B. Munch, and B. H. Letcher. 2012. Combining a Bayesian nonparametric method with a hierarchical framework to estimate individual and temporal variation in growth. Ecological Modelling 247:125–134.
Journal Article: Paired stream-air temperature measurements reveal fine-scale thermal heterogeneity, Kanno et al. 2013
Kanno, Y., J. C. Vokoun, and B. Letcher. 2013. Paired stream-air temperature measurements reveal fine-scale thermal heterogeneity within headwater brook trout streams networks. River Research and Applications 10.1002/rr.
Journal Article: Estimating size-specific brook trout abundance, Kanno et al. 2012
Kanno, Y., J. C. Vokoun, K. E. Holsinger, and B. H. Letcher. 2012. Estimating size-specific brook trout abundance in continuously sampled headwater streams using Bayesian mixed models with zero inflation and overdispersion. Ecology of Freshwater Fish:1–16.
Document: Cold Water Habitat Peer Review Summary
Summary from peer reviews of the Cold Water Habitat vulnerability report
Document: Sea Level Rise Peer Review Summary
Summary from peer review of the sea level rise vulnerability report
Large Pelagic Fish
The Nature Conservancy's Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregional Assessment data. Includes: Species richness of large pelagic fish - The richness of target species values were calculated to outline the diversity of the species in each ten minute square. The essential fish habitat (EFH) metrics were developed to understand how much of the region is considered EFH and to identify points were EFH for the target species overlapped. The persistence score identifies which target species were observed in the same ten minute square over time. The days fished metrics were calculated to understand the distribution of gillnet, longline, and bottom longline fishing trips.

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