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RSS Latest Content Added to the NALCC

Document: 2013 Oct.-Dec. Quarterly Report - PARCAs
2013 Oct.-Dec. Quarterly Report (2nd Quarter) - Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs)
Document: 2013 July-Sep. Quarterly Report - PARCAs
2013 July-Sep. Quarterly Report (2nd Quarter) - Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs)
Document: 2012 July-Sep. Quarterly Report - PARCAs
2012 July-Sep. Quarterly Report (2nd Quarter) - Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs)
Document: 2012 April-June Quarterly Report - PARCAs
2012 April-June Quarterly Report (2nd Quarter) - Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs)
Document: 2012 Jan.-March Quarterly Report - PARCAs
2012 Jan.-March Quarterly Report (2nd Quarter) - Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs)
Document: 2014 April-June Quarterly Report - Permeable Landscapes
2014 April-June Quarterly Report (2nd Quarter) - Permeable Landscapes for Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Document: 2014 Jan.-March Quarterly Report and Revised Proposal - Permeable Landscapes
2013 Jan.-March Quarterly Report (1st Quarter) - Permeable Landscapes for Species of Greatest Conservation Need. Includes Appendix with revised project goals and timeline.
Document: 2013 Oct.-Dec. Quarterly Report - Permeable Landscapes
2013 Oct.-Dec. Quarterly Report (4th Quarter) - Permeable Landscapes for Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Document: Revised Schedule - Permeable Landscapes
Revised objective and timeline for Permeable Landscapes project, submitted by March 2013.
Document: 2013 July-Sep. Quarterly Report - Permeable Landscapes
2013 July-Sep. Quarterly Report (3rd Quarter) - Permeable Landscapes for Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Document: 2012 April-June Quarterly Report - Permeable Landscapes
2012 March-May Quarterly Report (2nd Quarter) - Permeable Landscapes for Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Document: 2012 2nd Qtr Progress Report - TNC Habitat Map VA Piedmont
Progress report for April-June 2012, TNC Terrestrial Habitat Map update to VA Piedmont
Document: 2012 1st Quarter Progress Report, TNC Habitat Map VA Piedmont
Report for Jan-March 2012, TNC Habitat Map - Update to Virginia Piedmont and Coastal Plain.
Climate Change and Southern New England Forests
Workshop hosted by the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science is September 24-25 in Amherst, MA.
Document: Terrestial/Wetland Subteam Meeting Notes 07-25-2014
Notes/summary from terrestrial and wetland technical subteam breakout session.
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 07-25-2014
Notes and summary from July Core Team Meeting
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 06-27-2014
Notes and summary from June core team meeting.
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 04-25-2014
Notes and summary information from April Core Team meeting.
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 03-28-2014
Notes/summary from the March core team meeting.
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 02-24-2014
Summary/notes from February Core Team Meeting

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