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Document: Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting Notes 05-30-2014
Connecticut River Pilot: Meeting Notes, May 30, 2014
Terrestrial and Wetland Subteam Meeting Agenda: May 13, 2014
Connecticut River Watershed Pilot, Terrestrial and Wetland Team Agenda: May 13, 2014 Webinar
Document: Potential Criteria for Weighting Ecological Systems (May 13, 2014)
This document summarizes the criteria for weighting ecological systems that emerged from the April core team meeting for the Connecticut River Pilot, and how they were applied to ecological systems of the watershed.
Detailed documentation of species-based assessment for Designing Sustainable Landscapes project
Species -- This document describes our species-based assessment based on the concept of climate and habitat capability for a suite of representative species. Here, we define climate and habitat capability and the methods used to measure each component for each species. In addition, here we link to detailed documentation of the climate-habitat capability model developed for each representative species. [updated 6/17/2014]
Landscape Permeability
Developed by The Nature Conservancy Eastern Division. Permeability, rather than being based on individual species movements, is a measure of landscape structure, incorporating the hardness of barriers, the connectedness of natural cover, and the arrangement of land uses. - See more at:
Northeast Terrestrial Resilience, "Lite"
Developed by The Nature Conservancy Eastern Divsion. This project identifies the most resilient examples of key geophysical settings, to provide managers and scientists with a nuanced picture of the places where conservation is most likely to succeed over centuries. Includes the 90 meter resilience grid, basic hexagons, and coastal zones. See more at:
Northeast Terrestrial Resilience, Full Data
Developed by The Nature Conservancy Eastern Divsion. This project identifies the most resilient examples of key geophysical settings, to provide managers and scientists with a nuanced picture of the places where conservation is most likely to succeed over centuries. See more at:
Conservation Status Report
This report presents a comprehensive and three dimensional picture of the state of conservation of the natural world in the northeast landscape. Developed by The Nature Conservancy Eastern Division. See more at:
NE Geospatial Condition Analysis
Analysis of the condition of the different terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Also includes a query tool for easier selection of habitats of interest.
Excel: Northeast Habitat Classification - formations, macrogroups, and ecological systems (April 2014)
Northeast Habitat Classification - formations, macrogroups, and ecological systems. Includes acreage in the 13 Northeastern states and within the Connecticut River Watershed.
Document: Suggestions for Setting Population Objectives - CT River Watershed Pilot (April 21, 2014)
Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design Pilot: Suggestions for Setting Population Objectives (April 2014). Handout for April 22, 2014 team subteam meeting. Note: this document was revised on May 30 (also posted to subteam page).
Document: Terrestrial & Wetland Representative Species - How they were chosen (April 17, 2014)
How representative species for terrestrial and wetland ecosystems were chosen for the North Atlantic LCC region (April 17, 2014). Handout for April 22, 2014 meeting.
Document: Terrestrial and wetland ecosystems and representative species for Connecticut River Watershed pilot (April 17, 2014)
Table listing major terrestrial and wetland ecosystem types (ecological formation/macrogroup) and associated representative species for which habitat capability models are being developed. Current version: April 17, 2014. Handout for April 22, 2014 meeting.
Webinar with audio: Presentation on Species for Conn. River Pilot by Kevin McGarigal, June 17, 2014
Webinar with audio: Presentation on Species for Conn. River Pilot by Kevin McGarigal, June 17, 2014. (Note: audio starts approximately 1 minute into the presentation, while the presenter is still discussing the first slide.) (It may be necessary for go-to-meeting webex software to be installed in your browser to view the webinar.)
Presentation on Species for Conn. River Pilot by Kevin McGarigal, June 17, 2014
Presentation on Species for Conn. River Pilot by Kevin McGarigal, June 17, 2014
Summary/Notes: Connecticut River Project Terrestrial Sub-Team - 22 April 2014
Connecticut River Project Terrestrial Sub-Team: Meeting notes- 22 April 2014
Agenda: 4/22/2014 Call of Terrestrial Team, Connecticut River Watershed Pilot
Agenda, 4/22/2014 Call of Terrestrial Team, Connecticut River Watershed Pilot (1st meeting of the team)
Presentation for June 12, 2014 Coastal and Marine Technical Committee Call
Presentation for June 12, 2014 Coastal and Marine Technical Committee Call summrizing projects, needs and recommendations
NALCC/NECSC Decision Support System
In progress: The objective of Phase 1, which is being funded via this cooperative agreement, is to develop a web-based decision support system for evaluating effects of alternate management strategies on local population persistence of brook trout under different climate change scenarios. This DSS will include a hierarchical Bayesian model that accounts for multiple scales and sources of uncertainty in climate change predictions; it will include models to predict stream flow and temperature based on air temperature and precipitation; and it will incorporate climate change forecasts into population persistence models.
Revised task list and timeline - Spring 2013
For North Atlantic LCC Project: Forecasting changes in aquatic systems and resilience of aquatic populations in the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative: Decision-support tools for conservation

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