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Original task list and timeline - Fall 2011
For North Atlantic LCC Project: Forecasting changes in aquatic systems and resilience of aquatic populations in the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative: Decision-support tools for conservation
Journal Article: Linking movement and reproductive history of brook trout to assess habitat connectivity
Kanno, Y., B.H. Letcher, J.A. Coombs, K.H. Nislow, and A.R. Whiteley. 2014. Linking movement and reproductive history of brook trout to assess habitat connectivity in a heterogenous stream network. Freshwater Biology 59: 142-154.
Decision Support System Meeting Report Jan 2012
Summary and notes from project meeting
Crafting Our Conservation Future
The North Atlantic LCC is working to conserve the nature of the Northeast -- stitch by stitch.
Update on the Connecticut River Watershed Pilot: Landscape Conservation Design in Action
The North Atlantic LCC and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are working with a group of partners to develop a landscape conservation design for the Connecticut River Watershed.
Seed Banking for Resiliency
A seed collection program to provide locally adapted plant material to restoration projects funded by the Sandy Supplemental Mitigation Fund and begin developing an Eastern Seeds of Success program.
A Blooming Relationship
Bill Brumback, Conservation Director from the New England Wildflower Society, is the newest member of the North Atlantic LCC partnership.
A Window of Opportunity
The North Atlantic LCC and Northeast states have agreed to work together to develop a collaborative approach to map Northeast Regional Conservation Opportunity Areas
North Atlantic LCC Science in the Spotlight
North Atlantic LCC Work Featured at Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference
Documentation: Hydrology and Stream Temperature
Documentation for Task 2: Statistical models to predict stream flow and temperature based on air temperature and precipitation. UMass will develop an empirical model for the relationship between air temperature and water temperature as a function of local environmental conditions.
Documentation: Population Persistence Modelling
Documentation for Task 3: Incorporate climate change forecasts into population persistence models. UMass will obtain an ‘envelope’ of downscaled global circulation data on precipitation and air temperature and incorporate these into the models in Task 1 using relationships from Task 2 in order to forecast local population persistence across climate change scenarios.
Project Update June 2012
Forecasting changes in stream flow, temperature, and salmonid populations in Eastern U.S. as a result of climate change: What's going to happen, how certain are we, and how can we help managers help fish?
Summary Status of Coastal and Marine Science Needs of North Atlantic LCC – 2010-2013
Summary Status of Coastal and Marine Science Needs of North Atlantic LCC – 2010-2013 from 2014 Technical Committee Review Process
Notes: Stream Temperature Data and Modeling Meeting II
Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussion Topics from the 05/01/2014 meeting.
Presentations: All PDFs from May 1 Meeting
Zipped folder containing all 10 presentations posted individually on the agenda page.
Presentation: Torgersen & Ebersole, Primer for Identifying Cold-Water Refugia
PDF of PowerPoint presentation by Christian Torgersen and Joe Ebersole: "Northwest Thermal Refugia Primer," USGS/EPA
Presentation: Stewart, NorEaST Web Portal: Stream Temperature Mapper and Data Application
PDF of PowerPoint presentation by Jana Stewart: "NorEaST Web Portal: Stream Temperature Mapper and Data Application," USGS
Presentation: Polebitski and Tsang, Northeast Climate Science Center Stream Temperature Updates
PDF of PowerPoint presentation by Austin Polebitski (University of Wisconsin, Platteville & UMass-Amherst) and Yin-Phan Tsang (Michigan State University): "Northeast Climate Science Center stream temperature project update"
Presentation: Letcher, Stream temperature modeling and brook trout response
PDF of PowerPoint presentation by Ben Letcher: "Forecasting Changes in Aquatic Systems and Brook Trout," USGS/UMass-Amherst
Presentation: Jacobs, Analysis of Temperature/Fish Data: NH, MA, CT
PDF of PowerPoint presentation by Jennifer Jacobs: "Analysis of temperature/fishery data - NH, MA and CT," University of New Hampshire

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