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RSS Latest Content Added to the NALCC

Lakes Ponds
Map of lakes and ponds eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Glade Barren Savanna
Map of glade barren savanna eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Estuarine Intertidal
Map of estuarine intertidal eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Emergent Marsh
Map of emergent marsh eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Coastal Plain Peat Swamp
Map of coastal plain peat swamp eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Coastal Grassland Shrubland
Map of coastal grassland shrubland eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Cliff Talus
Map of cliff talus eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Central Oak Pine
Map of central oak pine eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Central Hardwood Swamp
Map of central hardwood swamp eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Boreal Upland Forest
Map of boreal upland forest eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Map of alpine eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
All 22 macro-group eco-type maps merged into a single PDF. This is a Large File (13MB). It was created to make the down-load and viewing process easier for people wanting to look at all the maps.
Map of agricultural eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Taking Science To Ground
The North Atlantic LCC is investing in four science delivery projects that will serve as examples of applied landscape conservation science in the Northeast.
Ecological Systems Table (April 2014)
Table of ecological systems organized by macro-group
Agenda: Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 04-25-2014
Agenda, handouts and presentations from Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 4-25-2014 in Hadley, MA
Initial Regional Aquatic Rep. Spp. with other Spp. and Habitats
Initial Regional Aquatic Rep. Spp. with other Spp. and Habitats developed by FWS and partners in 2012
Initial Regional Aquatic Representative Species
List of Initial Regional Aquatic Representative Species selected by FWS and partners in 2012
Aquatic Classification Crosswalk
Crosswalk between UMass classification used for Ecological Integrity and TNC Classification developed for Northeast States
Northeast Habitat Classification - formations, macrogroups, and ecological systems (April 2014)
Northeast Habitat Classification - formations, macrogroups, and ecological systems. Includes acreage in the 13 Northeastern states and within the Connecticut River Watershed.

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