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Document: 2013 July-Sept. Quarterly Report - Marine Birds
2013 July-Sept. Quarterly Report (4th Quarter) - Marine Bird Mapping and Assessment
Flat Salmon (30x12)
This large format salmon illustration (30x12 inches) is part of a "Flat Fish" outreach project.
Flat Alewife (8.5x11)
This large format alewife illustration (11x4.5 inches) is part of a "Flat Fish" outreach project.
World Fish Migration Day Poster - Maine 2014
Large format poster (22x34 inches) for the 2014 World Fish Migration Day celebration in Maine. This is the largest version of this poster.
2013 Oct.-Dec. Quarterly Report - Extending Habitat Map into Canada
2013 Oct.-Dec. Quarterly Report (4th Quarter) - Extending the Northeast Terrestrial Habitat Map to Atlantic Canada
2013 July-Sept. Quarterly Report - Extending Habitat Map into Canada
2013 July-Sept. Quarterly Report (3rd Quarter) - Extending the Northeast Terrestrial Habitat Map to Atlantic Canada
Final Report and 2013 July-Sept. Quarterly Report - Coastal Update to NWI
Final Report and 2013 July-Sept. Quarterly Report (3rd Quarter) - Coastal Update to the National Wetlands Inventory
2013 July-Sept. Quarterly Report - Coastal & Marine Classification
2013 July-Sept. Quarterly Report (3rd Quarter) - Application of the Coastal and Marine Classification Standards (CMECS) to the Northeast.
Atlantic salmon critical habitat map
Map of designated critical habitat for endangered Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic Salmon
Rapid Updates to Coastal NWI - Files
This consists of the final files updating coastal mapping of the National Wetlands Inventory sponsored by the North Atlantic LCC in 2013. The geodatabase includes updated wetlands for all project areas along with the corresponding metadata. The files are to be incorporated into the National Wetlands Inventory ( in 2014.
West Branch Brook Culvert Assessment and Design - Final Report
Project SHARE conducted a preconstruction site assessment of the 30-00-0 road crossing of West Branch Brook. West Branch Brook is a head water tributary of the Narraguagus River. The Beddington Lake HUC 12 is the top priority focus area for Atlantic salmon restoration in the Narraguagus River. Funding for this project was provided by the Gulf of Maine Council with assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Maine Fishery Resources Office.
Steering Committee Meeting - April 16, 2014
Portland Masonic Temple, 415 Congress St., Portland, Maine
Providing the Foundation
Since its inception, the North Atlantic LCC has placed a high priority on creating, organizing and making available foundational data and information at the scales and in the formats partners need.
Document: Preliminary List of Aquatic Representative (Surrogate) Species
This list is a preliminary set of representative species for aquatic systems developed at a workshop sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2011.
Document: Species of Greatest Conservation Need for CT River Watershed States
Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need of Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut: The Northeast state wildlife agencies have identified the following species as being regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need. The species on this list occur in at least one of the four states of the Connecticut River Watershed but not all have necessarily been confirmed within the watershed itself.
2013 Oct.-Dec. Quarterly Report - Aquatic Decision Support Tool
2013 Oct.-Dec. Quarterly Report (4th Quarter) - Aquatic Decision Support Tool
2013 July-Sept. Quarterly Report - Aquatic Decision Support Tool
2013 July-September Quarterly Report (3rd Quarter) - Aquatic Decision Support Tool
DRAFT timeline for Connecticut River Pilot
Discussion Draft Timeline for CTR Pilot for Core Team Meeting February 24, 2014 not for distribution
Presentation: LCC Framework for Landscape Conservation Design
Presentation on LCC Framework for Landscape Conservation Design for Connecticut River Landscape Conservation Design Pilot Core Team meeting on February 24, 2014
Presentation: Connecticut River Pilot - Goals & Objectives
Draft ideas for discussion at meeting on February 24, 2014

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