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Handout 10 -- CSC-approved 2012 projects and 2013-14 pre-proposal topics
Climate Science Center-approved 2012 projects and 2013-14 pre-proposal topics
Handout 17 -- NALCC Communications Update
NALCC communications update and goals for 2013.
Handouts 12A -- Table of recommended science needs
Table of recommended science needs
Handout 11 -- Technical Committee and subteam membership
NALCC Technical Committee and subteam membership
Handout 8 -- Annual science needs process
Annual science needs process.
Handout 6 -- Summary of potential DOI funding and LCC role
Summary of potential DOI funding and DOI role.
Handout 1 -- 4-10-13 Meeting Agenda
Agenda for April 10, 2013 LCC Steering Committee Meeting
North Atlantic LCC 2012 Highlights Report
North Atlantic LCC 2012 Highlights Report revised in June 2012
North Atlantic LCC 2012 Highlights Report
This report reviews the progress and accomplishments of the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) in 2012 and identifies major goals for 2013.
Handout 15b – Northeast Conservation Framework Manuscript
Northeast Conservation Framework Manuscript
Handout 14 – Recommendation for LCC Info. Management system
Recommendation for LCC Information Management system
Handout 7 – Project Budget summary
Project budget summary
Handout 4 – Action items status
Action items status
Handout 3b – Minutes from 02/08/13 call
Minutes from 02/08/13 call
Handout 3a – Minutes from 12/12/12 meeting
Minutes from 12/12/12 meeting
Northeast Conservation Framework manuscript
Northeast Conservation Framework manuscript for Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, March 27, 2013
Steering Committee Meeting - April 10, 2013
Overall goals of meeting: Consensus on and approval of: priority science, science delivery, information management and communications project needs; involvement of LCC in regional synthesis and SWAP updates; next steps for conservation targets; and role of LCC in Hurricane Sandy resiliency.
Presentation on Natural Flow Regime and Aquatic Resource Protection - Integrating Stream Science Meeting 3-14-2013
Presentation by Ralph Abele on the history and status of streamflow protection efforts in the Northeast for the Integrating Stream Science meeting, March 14, 2013.
Presentation on Environmental Flow Needs for NY Great Lakes Tributaries - Integrating Stream Science Meeting 3-14-2013
Presentation by Jason Taylor about the project on environmental flows for the Great Lakes tributaries of New York for the Integrating Stream Science meeting, March 14, 2013.
Presentation on Aquatic Flows in the Marcellus Shale Region - Integrating Stream Science Meeting 3-14-2013
Presentation by Maya Weltman-Fahs and Jason Taylor about the project on aquatic ecological flows in the Marcellus Shale Region for the Integrating Stream Science meeting, March 14, 2013.

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