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NALCC Progress Review Ppt
This presentation, Progress Under Guidance, reviews the benchmarks and progress made for each of the categories in the NALCC (Habitat Mapping, Biological Assessment / Ecological Planning, Conservation Design, Conservation Adoption & Delivery, Information Management, Monitoring, Research, and Organizational Operations). As presented at the Dec 12, 2012 Steering Committee meeting. (13 slides)
Designing Sustainable Landscapes: Decision Support Tools Ppt
This presentation covers the background / scope of the Designing Sustainable Landscapes project, and provides an overview of the decision-making support and process that will be applied to the project, including workshops, feedback, tools, and next steps. The presentation was given at the Dec 12, 2012 NALCC Steering Committee meeting. (7 slides)
NALCC Budget Report: Fall 2012 Ppt
The Budget Report presentation covers balance agreements from 11/28/12, general service agreements, grant contracts, indirect rate policy, and reporting. (6 slides)
NALCC Conservation Targets Ppt
This presentation covers the Conservation Targets: Next Steps, including framework, teams, process, timeline, etc, for the NALCC Steering Committee meeting Dec 12, 2012. (5 slides)
NALCC Information Management Needs Assessment
The NALCC Information Management Needs Assessment from October 2012 includes a summary of the current situation of the system, a list of needed improvements, and how they should be implemented. (Handout 19)
NALCC Communication Strategy Outline (2012)
This outline includes the background and vision for the NALCC, and places to elaborate on the goals, audience, and key messages that should be considered for the NALCC communication strategy. (Handout 20)
Designing Sustainable Landscapes Project Factsheet
The Designing Sustainable Landscapes project is a foundational part of a larger set of tools to guide conservative decisions in the face of change. Designing Sustainable Landscapes builds upon and incorporates existing information for the Northeast such as consistent habitat classifications and maps of all the habitat types in the Northeast, as well as climate data and wildlife population data. With these tools, conservation managers will be able to make more informed conservation decisions about where and how much land protection and habitat restoration and other conservation actions are needed to sustain wildlife populations in the face of predicted changes to the landscape. (Handout 12b)
RFP Topic 1 Technical Review Panel Recommendations
This document includes the summary of the feedback and process of the Technical Review Panel concerning the project "Quantify and Map Habitats, Threats, and Current Range Distribution for Aquatic (Including Coastal) Species to Assess Species-Habitat Relationships, and Identify Priority Areas and Corridors for Conservation". It also includes information on stakeholder processes, and background information on the Technical Review Panel process. (Handout 11)
NALCC Meeting Agenda 12/12/12
Complete official agenda for the NALCC Steering Committee meeting on Dec 12, 2012. Goals for the meeting included: review and approve science projects for FY 2012; provide guidance on direction for science needs and science translation and adoption needs for 2013; agree on priorities for communications and information management; agree on next steps for conservation targets and decision support tools. (Handout 1)
Northeast State Wildlife Action Plans: Database Framework for Common Elements
This component of the SWAP Database Frameworks outlines the plans for effective methods to compile and compare information amongst partners for the Northeast Region State Wildlife Action Plans. (Handout 13c)
Landscape Conservation Cooperative National Charter (Draft)
This includes the introductory correspondence to the draft of the National Charter, and the draft (9/28/12) itself, which includes the LCC purpose, goals, organizational structure, membership information, participant composition, term lengths, roles and responsibilities of the LCC National Council, and decision making process. Finally, there is a comment form included. (Handout 21)
LCC Benchmarks & Investment and Accountability Schedule
The benchmarks are organized into the following categories: Organizational Operations, Landscape Conservation Planning Foundation, Landscape Conservation Design, Informing Conservation Delivery, Decision-based Monitoring, Assumption-driven Research, Data Management & Integration, Science & Conservation Community Integration, Conservation Science and Adaptation Strategy, with a specific look at the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. (Handout 7)
NE Regional Conservation Workshop Needs
This contains a list of the needs determined at the Northeast Regional Conservation Workshop in Albany, along with the projects currently underway or proposed to satisfy each of the needs. The categories include habitat mapping, biological assessment, conservation design & delivery, monitoring / evaluation and research, and information management. (Handout 5)
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NALCC Technical Committee Subgroups
This is a basic list of the subgroups of the NALCC Technical Committee, listing the members and the organization they each represent. The subgroups are Aquatic, Coastal & Marine, and Terrestrial & Freshwater Wetlands.
Annual Process for Assessing Science Needs & Projects
This excerpt from the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative contains a table of the events and decisions that compose the process for assessing science needs and selecting projects for the LCC, as well as the NEAFWA RCN Annual Process. (Handout 8)
Science Strategy Matrix Table
This excerpt from the NALCC Conservation Science Strategic Plan document contains a table which illustrates the matrix of actions, projects, priority needs, next steps, and responsibility for each. These are categorized into the LCC components such as ecological planning, research, etc. (Handout 6)
NALCC Steering Committee Conf Call 9/5/12 Action Summary
This briefly summarizes the actions taken on the Steering Committee conference call on September 5, 2012, including updates on efforts to develop a strategy to engage the LCC with community planners, work with WMI to link the LCC website to RCN Grants and to develop an online RFP application and review process, revise the LCC communications strategy, and request that the States commit to providing species occurrence data relevant to describing the habitat for these species. (Handout 4)
NALCC Steering Committee Conf Call 9/5/12 Minutes
This contains the thorough meeting minutes from the Steering Committee conference call. (Handout 3)

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