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Northeast Landscape Conservation Design Proposal (Handout 5a)
This is the draft of the Northeast Landscape Conservation Design Proposal presented at the February 3, 2012 NALCC Steering Committee meeting. The goal of the NLCD is to "Establish cooperative means to make existing and future conservation design information and tools more available and accessible to conservation partners; to produce composite maps depicting landscape conservation designs; and to develop spatial data layers summarizing environmental conditions affecting a suite of important ecological and cultural resource elements in the Northeast." (Handout 5a)
NALCC Meeting Minutes (Draft) 11/2/11 (Handout 2)
The draft of the Meeting Minutes from the NALCC Steering Committee meeting on November 2, 2011, to be approved at the February 3 conference call. (Handout 2)
NALCC Process for Assessing Science Needs & Selecting Projects (Handout 6)
This document contains a month-by-month table of the North Atlantic LCC Annual Process for Assessing Science Needs and Selecting Projects, designed for the January 2012 Technical Committee meeting. (Handout 6)
NALCC Conservation Cooperative Science Projects (Handout 3)
This handout contains 4 projects (and accompanying descriptions & costs) under Projects Initiated in 2010, 7 projects under Projects Approved by Steering Committee in 2011, and 5 projects under Needs Being Further Assessed. This handout was designed for the January 2012 Technical Committee meeting. (Handout 3)
Regional Frog Call Survey data
Survey data
RCN slides WNS treatment trials study
Set 2
Northeast Coordinated Bird Monitoring Outcomes.pdf
North Atlantic LCC Science Strategy draft_10-20-11 clean.pdf
NOAA projects_Cons Design.pdf

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