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NALCC Logo Examples (Handout 7a)
This handout contains various images of the NALCC logo, and one preview page for the logo as a header. This handout is designed to facilitate agreement on the approach for LCC documents and web pages at the February 3, 2012 NALCC Steering Committee conference call. (Handout 7)
Boundary Change Proposal & Maps (Handout 6)
This handout is the Boundary Change Proposal, influencing the North Atlantic LCC, Upper Midwest-Great Lakes LCC, and Appalachian LCC. The three related minor boundary modifications result in the shift of the Hudson, Mohawk and Champlain Valleys from UMGL LCC to the NA LCC, and the shift of the Hudson Highlands-trap rock ridge finger east of the Hudson River from the ALCC to the NA LCC, in order to improve ecologic homogeneity and partnership efficiency. This document was prepared for review at the February 3, 2012 NALCC Steering Committee conference call. (Handout 6)
Northeast Landscape Conservation Design: Additional Details (Handout 5b)
This draft contains the NLCD "Additional Detail on Proposed Operational Approach and Description of Related Projects and Data Layers". These 14 pages were prepared for the February 3, 2012 NALCC Steering Committee conference call. (Handout 5b)
Technical subteam purpose and goals (Handout 4b)
This document outlines the purpose and goals of North Atlantic Technical Committee subgroup as determined in January 2012. This one-page handout was designed for the February 3, 2012 NALCC Steering Committee conference call, in order to establish an understanding of and input on the science needs assessment approach being taken by the Technical Committee. (Handout 4b)
LCC Annual Process for Assessing Science Needs & Projects (Handout 4a)
This table contains the LCC Annual Process for Assessing Science Needs and Selecting Projects, broken down month-by-month. This handout was designed for the February 3, 2012 NALCC Steering Committee conference call.
NALCC Action Items 11/3/11 (Handout 3)
The action items from the November 3, 2011 NALCC Steering Committee meeting, to be reviewed at the February 3, 2012 NALCC Steering Committee conference call. (Handout 3)
NALCC Steering Committee Conf Call 2/3/12 Agenda (Handout 1)
This is the overview agenda for the Steering Committee conference call meeting on Feb 3, 2012. The goal for this call was to review progress and provide input to staff and technical committee on action items in preparation for spring meeting, and review Climate Science Center and national LCC activities. (Handout 1)
Purpose & Goals of NALCC Technical Committee & Subgroups (Handout 7)
This document contains the proposed purpose and goals of the Technical Committee and subgroups in the NALCC annual process. It is a handout for the January 2012 NALCC Technical Committee meeting. (Handout 7)
Matrix of Actions, Projects, Priority Needs, Next Steps, & Responsibility (Handout 5)
This handout contains Table 1 of the NALCC Conservation Science Strategic Plan. The handout was designed for the January 2012 meeting of the NALCC Technical Committee. It contains projects under Ecological Planning, Conservation Design, Conservation Adoption & Delivery, Monitoring, Research, and Information Management. (Handout 5)
Priority Common Science Needs: Next Steps (Handout 4)
This is the Priority Common Science Needs: Next Steps handout for the Technical Committee meeting in January, 2012. It includes 17 topics under Common Needs, 4 under Information Management, and 2 additional needs discussed at the Albany meeting. (Handout 4)
NALCC Technical Committee Membership List (Handout 2)
This is the membership list for the NALCC Technical Committee meeting in January 2012. (Handout 2)
NALCC Technical Committee Conference Call Agenda 01/17/12
The agenda includes topics: results of November Steering Committee Meeting, status of contracts, annual process for identifying and refining needs and funding projects and for recommendations on additional phases of existing projects, proposal for Northeast Landscape Conservation Design, and update on information management needs assessment. (Handout 1)

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