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RSS Latest Content Added to the NALCC

Handout 6
RCOA Version 1.0 Overview
Handout 5
Fall 2016 budget report for LCC
Handout 4
Follow up to Action Items from meeting on April 6, 2016
Handout 3
Minutes from Spring Steering Committee Meeting, April 6, 2016
Handout 2
Expected Attendees
Handout 1
Agenda for Steering Committee Meeting, October 24 - 25, 2016
Meeting agenda
Agenda for North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Fall Steering Committee Meeting Monday, October 24th - Tuesday, October 25th
How to Add Content Atlantic Salmon Restoration
How to Add Content to NALCC
Case Studies of Sea Level Rise Projections and Ecological Information in Coastal Restoration and Management
These nine case studies are place-based examples of implementation along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts that demonstrate how numeric sea level rise projections and quantitative ecological information, including species and habitat thresholds and ecosystem services, can be used to inform decision making in coastal restoration and management.
Conservation in Action case studies
Learn how the North Atlantic LCC is making progress on key conservation fronts by supporting partners and projects that are putting resources in the hands of decision makers on the ground.
Science Products At a Glance
Overview and examples of foundational information, assessments, and decision support tools supported by the North Atlantic LCC.
Presentation template
Powerpoint template with pre-set North Atlantic LCC theme.
Resilient and Connected Landscapes
Resilient and Connected Landscapes for Terrestrial Conservation. This is the final report for the North Atlantic LCC-sponsored "Permeable Landscapes" project. Benefiting from additional funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the report is a significant expansion from the original LCC-supported component, which is now Chapter 3 ("Landscape Permeability"). See also Chapter 6, section 7, "Mitigating Road Crossings."
Landscape Capability for American Woodcock, Version 2.0, Northeast
This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United States to provide habitat for American Woodcock, during the breeding season, based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Landscape capability integrates factors influencing climate suitability, habitat capability, and other biogeographic factors affecting the species’ prevalence in the area.

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