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Customizable ArcGIS tool for prioritizing field survey locations
This link allows users to select the metrics that are most important to their objectives in choosing where to conduct field surveys of road-stream crossings to assess aquatic organism passage for particular groups of species, average slope at crossings, or for other considerations.
Landscape Capability for Blackburnian Warbler, Version 2.0, Northeast
This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United States to provide habitat for Blackburnian Warbler, during the breeding season, based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Landscape capability integrates factors influencing climate suitability, habitat capability, and other biogeographic factors affecting the species’ prevalence in the area.
Landscape Capability for Cerulean Warbler, Version 2.0, Northeast
This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United States to provide habitat for Cerulean Warbler, during the breeding season, based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Landscape capability integrates factors influencing climate suitability, habitat capability, and other biogeographic factors affecting the species’ prevalence in the area.
Landscape Capability for Sanderling, Version 3.0, Northeast
This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United States to provide habitat for Sanderling based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Landscape capability integrates factors influencing climate suitability, habitat capability, and other biogeographic factors affecting the species’ prevalence in the area.
Landscape Capability for American Black Duck, Non-Breeding, Version 3.1, Northeast U.S.
This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United States to provide habitat for American Black Duck, during the non-breeding season, based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Landscape capability integrates factors influencing climate suitability, habitat capability, and other biogeographic factors affecting the species’ prevalence in the area.
Landscape Capability for Common Loon, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S.
This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United States to provide habitat for Common Loon, during the breeding season, based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Landscape capability integrates factors influencing climate suitability, habitat capability, and other biogeographic factors affecting the species’ prevalence in the area.
Landscape Capability for American Oystercatcher, Version 3.0, Northeast
This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United States to provide habitat for American Oystercatcher, during the breeding season, based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Landscape capability integrates factors influencing climate suitability, habitat capability, and other biogeographic factors affecting the species’ prevalence in the area.
Northern Diamondback Terrapin Documented Occurrences, Northeastern U.S.
This point layer represents documented occurrences of the northern diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) from Massachusetts in the north to Virginia in the south. Multiple data sources were used to compile this data: for specific source information, consult the final report of the Northern Diamondback Terrapin Regional Conservation Strategy. This data set exists as three separate layers: points, lines, and polygons. Compilation of this data set began in 2015 and was finalized on March 2, 2015 by the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey.
North Atlantic LCC News September 2016
News digest for September 2016
RCOA Discussion Forum
Presentation slides from webinar on September 28, 2016
RCOA team wraps up review process for Version 1.0 of regional conservation design
Following a months-long review process for Regional Conservation Opportunity Areas Version 1.0 -- including a webinar series to introduce test users to the first iteration of data and tool, and several briefings for partners -- the North Atlantic LCC is taking next steps to put the Northeast region landscape conservation design in the hands of practitioners.
Meet Acting North Atlantic LCC Coordinator Mike Slattery
With the departure of Andrew Milliken for a new position with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lake Champlain Fisheries Resource Office, the Service's Chesapeake Bay Coordinator Mike Slattery has agreed to step in as Acting LCC Coordinator until the position is filled permanently. Mike’s role as a “conservation connector” in the Chesapeake Bay watershed will serve the LCC team well in a time of transition.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Use of Banded Piping Plover Resight Reports Oct 20, 2016 from 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM Webinar ,
Learn how researchers are analyzing data from piping plover resight reports to gather information that can inform conservation on the ground.
New tool addresses a big obstacle for overcoming aquatic barriers: Knowing where to start
A new decision-support tool developed by The Nature Conservancy offers a comprehensive view of aquatic barriers across the Northeast region, and an ecological basis for prioritizing which ones to target first for the greatest conservation benefit.
Beaches and barrier islands- physical and geological processes
An overview of the relevant processes, as well as geological data and models that shape beaches and barrier islands. These presentations were made at a 2014 tidal marsh coordination workshop held in Hadley, MA. They provide the context for the outer coast geophysical settings that influence not only the beach environment but also for coastal marshes.
Coastal Resilience Resource List
An inventory of the work being undertaken by coastal Landscape Conservation Cooperatives and partner organizations to address coastal resilience issues in the Atlantic, Gulf Coast, and Caribbean regions, this new resource offers a one-stop shopping list to support growing collaboration in coastal resilience. The list includes completed, ongoing, and planned projects, reports, guidebooks, programs, online support tools, and papers, searchable by type, organization, or date.
Thresholds Table for Coastal Species and Habitats
Synthesizing sea-level rise and storm-threshold data for 44 fish, wildlife, and plant species of conservation concern, as well as for four coastal habitats, the new species threshold table for the multi-LCC coastal resilience project contains a wealth of information formatted into an easy-to-use spreadsheet to give stakeholders insight on decisions and tradeoffs regarding the management of coastal resources.
Wildlife Management Institute highlights progress made in aquatic connectivity thanks to NAACC
In a little more than a year, the North Atlantic LCC-supported North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC) is helping partners across the region make significant headway in addressing barriers for aquatic organisms.
RCOA Version 1.0 -- Fact sheet
Overview of purpose and goals
North Atlantic LCC Science in West Virginia
Highlights of key projects, products, and partners

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