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Connect the Connecticut - Fact Sheet
High-level overview of the landscape conservation design project. May 2016.
Connect the Connecticut Report
Connect the Connecticut Report - report summarizing the process and results of the project. May 2016.
Pollinators and Monarchs Informational Page
Decision Support Framework for Sea-level Rise Impacts
Link to sea level rise structured decision making process previously supported by North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative that supports coastal resiliency projects funded with Hurricane Sandy funds.
Salinity, Northeast U.S.
The presence of salt water is an important determinant of ecological communities. This dataset modifies the Northeast Terrestrial Habitat Map developed by The Nature Conservancy to denote the presence of salt water or brackish water as follows: -Wetlands and waters classified by the National Wetland Inventory ( as "marine", plus additional ocean waters to a distance from the coast of 10 km, are considered salt water and assigned a value of "1" -Wetlands and waters classified by the National Wetland Inventory as "upper estuarine" are considered oligohaline and assigned a value of "0.5" -Wetlands and waters classified by the National Wetland Inventory as "estuarine" are considered brackish and assigned a value of "0.7" -All other areas, both terrestrial and aquatic, are assigned a value of "0"
2016 Jan-March Quarterly Report
2016 Jan-March progress report
2015 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report
2015 4th Qtr progress report
2016 Jan-March Quarterly Report
2016 1st Qtr progress report
Tidal Crossings Call May 23, 2016 from 01:00 PM to 02:05 PM
Check in and further coordination for tidally influenced crossings work in the NA LCC region.
2016 Jan-March Quarterly Report
2016 1st Quarter progress report
Great Marsh Resiliency Workshop
Agenda with links to presentations made at the workshop.
Great Marsh Resiliency Workshop Attendees
Great Marsh Resiliency Workshop Attendees
Great Marsh Resiliency Workshop Notes
Great Marsh Resiliency Workshop Notes
Vulnerability of infrastructure_Bosma
Vulnerability of infrastructure_Bosma
Sediment Supply Plum Island_Hoagland
Sediment Supply Plum Island_Hoagland
Salt marsh overview_Giblin
Salt marsh overview_Giblin
Marsh bank erosion_Fagherazzi
Marsh bank erosion_Fagherazzi
Hydrodynamic model of marshes_Hagen
Hydrodynamic model of marshes_Hagen

Document Actions