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RSS Latest Content Added to the NALCC

Memo from Dan Ashe
Memorandum from Director Dan Ashe, 9/4/2014
Petition for Federal Listing
U Mass Aquatic Conn Progress Report Oct 2015
Progress Report Oct 2015
Maslo progress report 10-2015
Maslo progress report 10-2015
Quick Start Guide to Core Networks On DataBasin
This document is intended to guide you through accessing the Terrestrial and Aquatic Core Networks, two of the datasets that comprise the Connect the Connecticut gallery of science products on Data Basin.
Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Oceans
Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Oceans
Northeast Regional Ocean Council
Northeast Regional Ocean Council
Tidal Inlets Before Hurricane Sandy
Tidal Inlets Before Hurricane Sandy- Google Earth kmz
Collaborative makes headway in addressing aquatic connectivity regionally, and beyond
Launched in June, the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative is already helping strengthen efforts to restore aquatic connectivity across the region by supporting a network of partners with shared resources.
Steering Committee looks to next steps for science delivery and conservation design
During the fall meeting in Portsmouth, N.H., members and partners of the North Atlantic LCC Steering Committee discussed strategic direction on several key fronts, including conservation design and science delivery.
Meeting Summary: Action Items and Highlights
Action Items and Highlights from Fall 2015 Steering Committee meeting
North Atlantic and Midwest Aquatic Habitat Connectivity and Infrastructure Resilience
Draft Agenda for Workshop on Prioritization Approaches John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum Wednesday, January 6 to Friday, January 8, 2016
In a time of accelerated change, the North Atlantic LCC helps partners keep pace with new conservation challenges
Learn how the North Atlantic LCC is responding to specific threats that climate change poses for natural resources in our region.
Landscape conservation design projects advance goals outlined in national strategy for climate adaptation
The innovative landscape conservation efforts supported by the North Atlantic LCC are using the best available science to identify ecologically connected networks of resilient lands and waters, an approach recommended in the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy.
Research findings inform decision-support tools to help brook trout stay cool in the face of warming climate
Which headwater streams can continue to meet the needs of Eastern brook trout in the context of climate change? A new model will help decision makers identify prime habitat for cold-water dependent species based on predictions about climate change.
NAACC Final Report
North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative Final Report. (Note: the final report from December 2015 was revised slightly in July 2016.)
Partners share updates from studies investigating urgent threats that sea level rise poses to coastal marshes
At the second annual Tidal Marsh Resilience Workshop, partners investigating impacts to coastal systems in the wake of Hurricane Sandy met to share findings, and align efforts to deliver results to coastal decision makers.
For EPA's Anne Kuhn, the LCC helps connect the dots for big-picture conservation
EPA scientist Anne Kuhn says the North Atlantic LCC is “a real solution” for agencies and organization working to address large-scale conservation challenges that demand cooperation, especially in the context of climate change.
Letter from Paris: Emily Powell sees hope for conservation at COP 21
For Coastal Resilience Research Associate Emily Powell, attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris provided an opportunity to learn about what a new international agreement might mean for vulnerable communities and ecosystems back home.
A new map will give stakeholders in aquatic conservation insight on climate change by extending their view upstream
The extension of the Northeast aquatic habitat map into Canada will help conservation partners on both sides of the border align efforts to protect freshwater ecosystems more effectively in the face of climate change.

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