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Protecting People and Communities, Helping Fish and Wildlife
North Atlantic LCC to coordinate and support a collaborative, region-wide effort to restore fish passage while reducing the likelihood of damage to road stream crossings from future floods.
Americans' Global Warming Beliefs and Attitudes in November 2013
Report shows an increase in the proportion of Americans who believe global warming is not happening.
Volume 1 of 2013 Issue of Habitat Hotline Atlantic Now Available
Habitat Hotline Atlantic provides information on the fish habitat related work that partners, such as the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, US Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA Fisheries, regional fishery management councils, and ocean planning organizations have been working on during the past year.
Research Helps Address Climate Change Impacts
Climate Science Centers are awarding nearly $7 million to universities and other partners for research as part of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan.
LCC Network Announces National Council Members
The LCC National Council will work to provide national-level coordination to identify ecological and institutional challenges and successes across the network of 22 LCCs.
Climate Change Threatens North America's Freshwater Mussels -- USGS
New research overseen by the U.S. Geological Survey shows that juvenile mussels have difficulty surviving in higher water temperatures that may happen more frequently in North America's rivers and lakes as the planet warms.
NWF releases 3 new reports on Safeguarding Wildlife in an Era of Climate Change
Three reports by NWF summarize information on impacts to wildlife and their habitats in that state including the results of vulnerability and/or sensitivity assessments conducted as part of this project. These assessment are then used to identify management concerns and implications as well as, for New York, adaptation strategies for the state.
New Report Reveals Continuing Coastal Wetlands Losses in U.S.
The United States is losing wetlands in coastal watersheds at a significant rate, according to a new report released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
A Landscape-Scale Approach to Refuge Planning
The report examines how Refuge System planning will address large-scale conservation challenges such as climate change, while maintaining the integrity of management and conservation delivery within refuge boundaries.
NALCC Steering Committee Endorses Key Next Steps
Regional partners chart course for developing, integrating, delivering, and communicating science toward a common goal of sustainable landscapes.
News Archive
Round up of news and events from the North Atlantic LCC, as well as other news of note in the conservation community.
Northeast Habitat Guides Completed for Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Funded by the Regional Conservation Needs program, this project from The Nature Conservancy ensures understanding and widespread use of the Northeast Aquatic Habitat classification system by creating a printable web-based guide and GIS database.
Interior Secretary Offers Vision for Conservation
Secretarial Order underscores LCC role and commitment to landscape-scale planning and design to conserve the Nation's land, water, wildlife and cultural resources in the face of climate change.
New LCC Team Articulates Strategy and Priorities for Science Delivery
A new North Atlantic LCC Science Delivery team composed of representatives from federal agencies, state agencies, national NGOs, regional NGOs, and watershed groups is articulating priority needs for effectively delivering science.
Interior Secretary Announces Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Competitive Grant Program
The Program will award more than $100 million in grants throughout the region affected by Hurricane Sandy.
Interior Secretary Jewell Announces $162 Million for 45 Projects to Protect Atlantic Coast Communities from Future Storms
LCCs will play a key role in coordinating and delivering science to inform coastal restoration and resiliency efforts
Sharing Science to Safeguard the Red Knot
FWS proposes to list the highly migratory shorebird as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act due to declining food supply and habitat related to the combined effects of sea-level rise and development. LCC projects underway can help inform conservation and management strategies to protect the species.
IPCC Releases Fifth Assessment Report; LCC Uses New Scenarios for Regional Assessments
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report concludes human influence on climate change is clear and evident in most regions of the globe.
Modeling Climate Change Impacts to Wildlife
A paper in the Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management presents an overview of the types of models available to forecast the impacts of climate change on processes affecting fish and wildlife habitat.
Beyond Season's End
A roundup of news about climate change impacts to fish and wildlife.

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