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Massachusetts Wildlife Climate Action Tool webinar

The Northeast Climate Science Center will host a webinar on a new tool designed to empower resource managers and landowners in Massachusetts to adapt to climate change.
When Dec 02, 2015 03:30 PM to
Dec 03, 2015 04:30 PM
Where Webinar
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The Massachusetts Wildlife Climate Action Tool is designed to inform and inspire local action to protect the Commonwealth’s natural resources in a changing climate. This Tool focuses on providing information for a range of local decision-makers, including conservation practitioners, landowners, municipal agencies, and community leaders, seeking to conduct on-the-ground climate change adaptation efforts.

With this tool, users can: 1) access information on climate change impacts and vulnerabilities of fish and wildlife species and associated habitats; 2) explore adaptation strategies and actions to help maintain healthy, resilient natural communities based on location and area of interest; and find additional resources to help guide decision-making and actions. Initial development of the tool is focused on fish and wildlife species, forests and forestry practices, aquatic and terrestrial connectivity (with a focus on roads and culverts), land protection, and conservation planning. Although this tool was designed for decision-making in the state of Massachusetts, it provides broadly relevant climate and adaptation information, and can serve as a model for related efforts across the entire Northeast region. This tool has been developed by a diverse team of experts from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, the Department of Interior’s Northeast Climate Science Center, and the USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.

Webinar Link:  

Click here to join the webinar - you may join 15 minutes early.

Meeting Number: 31239842. This meeting does not require a password or registration. Participation is on a first come, first served basis.



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