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Steering Committee Meeting

When Oct 31, 2012
from 08:00 AM to 04:30 PM
Where New Paltz, NY
Contact Name
Contact Phone 413-253-8492
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North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Steering Committee Agenda
October 31, 2012 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., New Paltz, New York

Call in Information: Call Number: 866-762-5634 Passcode: 5866227#
Web page for handouts:

Overall Goals of meeting: Review and approve science projects for FY 2012; provide guidance on direction for science needs and science translation and adoption needs for 2013; agree on priorities for communications and information management; agree on next steps for conservation targets and decision support tools.

Agenda Items

Discussion Leader
and Handouts


Breakfast (provided)


7:00 a.m.

1. Welcome & introductions
Review agenda
Approve minutes from last call

Ken Elowe (FWS), Patricia Riexinger (New York State DEC) & Andrew Milliken (LCC)
Handout 1 – Agenda
Handout 2 – Attendance List
Handout 3 – Minutes
8:00 a.m.
2. Action items from last Steering Committee cal and actions taken Andrew Milliken
Handout 4 – Action items status
8:20 a.m.
3. Review of progress under Northeast Conservation Framework and LCC Conservation Science Strategic Plan as well as relationship to LCC benchmarks
Expected Meeting Outcome: Understanding of progress and next steps relative to Strategic Plan and Conservation Framework, discussion of next steps

LCC Staff
Handout 5 – Progress on Conservation Framework priorities
Handout 6 – Updated Strategic Plan Table
Handout 7 –Summary of draft LCC benchmarks

8:30 a.m.

4. Review of approved annual process for science needs and projects and budgets, relationship to RCN process. Expected Meeting Outcome: Understanding of LCC annual science needs process and budget status. Scot Williamson (WMI)
Andrew Milliken (LCC)
Handout 8 – Annual science needs process
Handout 9 – Project Budget summary
9:00 a.m.
5. Review of ongoing and approved projects, RFP results, science needs and priorities and next steps for FY 2012 and FY 2013. Expected Meeting Outcome: Discussion of recommended science projects and next steps for science needs Scott Schwenk (LCC), all
Handouts 10 – Project summaries
Handouts 11 – Summaries of project funding recommendations
9:10 a.m.
BREAK 10:00 a.m.
6. Update on Designing Sustainable Landscapes workshops and available tools. Expected Meeting Outcome: Review and discussion of what we heard from partners regarding development of decision support tools. Discussion of oportunities to utilize tools and decisions neeeded to guide their development. Scott Schwenk (LCC), Andrew Milliken (LCC), Ken Elowe (FWS)
Handouts 12 – Summary of Workshop results
10:20 a.m.
7. Update on Conservation Synthesis and SWAP Update Expected Meeting Outcome: Update on Conservation Synthesis and SWAP Update, GIS analysts, agreeement on data sharing. Steve Fuller (LCC), Lori Peloch (LCC)
Handout 13 – Summary on Conservation Synthesis and SWAP Update
Handout 14 – Data request letter
11:00 a.m.
8. Science Translation, Conservation Adoption and Delivery: Revised process for needs and projects related to science translation and adoption. Expected Meeting Outcome: Discussion and approval of a process for recommending and selecting projects for science translation and adoption. George Gay (NWF), Jad Daley (TPL), Steve Fuller (LCC)
Handout 15 – Recommendation on process for Science Translation, Conservation Adoption and Delivery
11:15 a.m.
9. Proposed session at Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference on LCC and RCN project results. Expected Meeting Outcome: Consensus on need for and structure of LCC/RCN session at Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Patricia Riexinger (NY DEC), Andrew Milliken (LCC)
Handout 16 – Proposal for NEAFWA session
11:45 a.m.
LUNCH (provided) Noon
10. Review of morning discussions and decisions on science projects, needs and science translation process. Expected Meeting Outcome: Decisions on projects to fund and recommendations for needs to develop. Ken Elowe (FWS) 1:00 p.m.
11. Relationship to LCC and priorities for the Northeast Climate Science Center. Expected Meeting Outcome: Understanding Climate Science Center purpose and relationship to LCC; initial projects funded and process to prioritize needs for CSC. Mary Ratnaswamy (USGS) (invited)
Handout 17 – Northeast Climate Science Center projects funded in 2012
Handout 18 – Climate Science Center plan outline
1:45 p.m.
12. Information Management Needs Assesment results. Expected Meeting Outcome: Presentation and discussion of the results of the information management needs assesment. Michael Terner (Applied Geographics)
Handout 19 – Draft report from information management needs assessment
2:20 p.m.
13. LCC national and regional communications and LCC website. Expected Meeting Outcome: Presentation on new website, review of communicaitons products and consensus on priorities for communication for 2013. Megan Nagel (FWS)
Handout 20 – Existing and proposed communications products summary
2:40 p.m.
BREAK 2:45 p.m.
14. Conservation Targets. Expected Meeting Outcome: Review of national LCC guidance on conservation targets, relationsihp to FWS surrogate species and next steps for the North Atlantic LCC. Ken Elowe, Andrew Milliken
Handout 21 – Recommended next steps for North Atlantic LCC on conservation targets
3:00 p.m.
15. LCC National Council Draft Charter. Expected Meeting Outcome: Discussion and feedback on draft charter. Andrew Milliken (LCC)
Handout 22 – LCC National Council Draft Charter
3:30 p.m.
16. Other Business, Next Meeting Ken Elowe (FWS), Patricia Riexinger (NY DEC) 4:00 p.m.
ADJOURN 4:30 p.m.

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