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Aquatic Subteam Meeting 06-27-2014

Presentation: Fish Occupancy & Stream Temperature

Presentation: Fish Occupancy & Stream Temperature

Fish Occupancy & Stream Temperature: Models & metrics for planning and management. NALCC Connecticut River Watershed Pilot Project, Aquatics Subgroup, June 27, 2014.

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Aquatic Ecological Macrogroups (06-27-2014)

Aquatic ecological macrogroups used in the Connecticut River Landscape Conservation Design project. Summary statistics for each group, and a weighting multiplier affecting conservation priorities (2 pages).

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Aquatic IEI Metric Weights (06-27-2014)

Aquatic System Intactness (aka stressor) and Resiliency Metrics. Used in the index of ecological integrity portion of the Landscape Change, Assessment, and Design (LCAD) model (1 page).

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