You are here: Home / Teams / Connecticut River Watershed Pilot / Documents / Table of statistics on the extent (ha) of geophysical settings as defined by TNC for their Resiliency analysis (April 2014)

Table of statistics on the extent (ha) of geophysical settings as defined by TNC for their Resiliency analysis (April 2014)

Connecticut River Landscape Conservation Design project; statistics on the extent (ha) of geophysical settings as defined by TNC for their Resiliency analysis (Anderson et al. 2012) in the Northeast region (NE) and Connecticut River watershed (CTR); the percent of each setting contained within the watershed (Importance); and the percent of each setting protected from development within the Northeast and the watershed.

Modification Date: Tue 05 Aug 2014 03:41:46 PM

Contributors: Mark Anderson , Kevin McGarigal

PDF document icon ctriverGeoStats.pdf — PDF document, 22 kB (22,887 bytes)

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