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August 28, 2014 Terrestrial/Wetlands Technical Subteam Meeting

Document: Connecticut River Watershed Species Weighting Matrix

The following matrix is being used by the Terrestrial and Wetland Subteam in applying the weighting criteria that the Subteam previously discussed and identified for use in assigning weights to Representative Species in the context of informing the process of how to identify core areas based on combining species landscape capability models into an optimized selection index. The matrix entries in this document are DRAFT and need Terrestrial and Wetland Subteam input to assign final entries and decide on final weights. (Note 8.5”x14” page size for printing the matrix) (Revised slightly 8/27/14 to add habitat acreage for several species)

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Document: Threats Ranking Framework

Threats-ranking framework from the NE Lexicon: the document that the NE states are using to try to make State Wildlife Action Plans more comparable

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Document: Notes from August 28, 2014 Terrestrial/Wetlands Subteam Meeting

Summary of discussions from afternoon breakout session after the core team meeting.

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