You are here: Home / Teams / Technical Committee / 2012 Science Needs Review / Meeting - March 14-15, 2012

Meeting - March 14-15, 2012

Purpose of meeting: Summarize and prioritize science needs, review the science needs process and the conservation design project.

Smith College Conference Center
Smith College Map
Smith Parking Pass
North Atlantic LCC Technical Committee Sub-groups List

March 14 Agenda Items

Discussion Leader
and Handouts


1. Introductions, Purpose, Background, and Logistics

Scott Schwenk, Andrew Milliken

Full Technical Committee WebEx and Conference Call Details

8:30 a.m.

2. Review of Regional Products and Data, Phase II of Designing Sustainable Landscapes Project

Mark Anderson, The Nature Conservancy & Steve Fuller, North Atlantic LCC; Kevin McGarigal, University of Massachusetts

9:15 a.m.

3. Charge to Breakout Sessions

Scott Schwenk

11:30 a.m.

4. Lunch

11:45 a.m.

5. Subgroup Breakout Sessions - Summarize and Prioritize Science Needs

Scott Schwenk, Meredith Bartron, Andrew Milliken

Coastal and Marine SubTeam WebEx and Conference Call Details

Aquatics SubTeam WebEx and Conference Call Details

12:45 p.m.

6. Adjourn

5:00 p.m.

March 15 Agenda Items

Discussion Leader
and Handouts


1. Breakout Session Summaries, Group Discussion, and Prioritization of Science Needs


Full Technical Committee WebEx and Conference Call

8:30 a.m.


10:45 a.m.

3. Conservation Design, Translation, and Adoption

Steve Fuller

11:00 a.m.

4. Next Steps, Review of Science Needs Process

Scott Schwenk


12:30 p.m.


North Atlantic LCC Science Strategy

North Atlantic LCC Science Strategy Matrix

North Atlantic LCC Science Strategy Criteria

Northeast Regional Conservation Framework (NRCF) Workshop Executive Summary

NRCF or "Albany II" Workshop Summary Report

Charge for Breakout Sessions

Template - High Priority Science Needs

Northeast Regional Projects Table

Northeast Climate Science Center Preliminary Science Focus Areas: Addendum to Statement of Interest and Proposal Solicitation Guidelines

Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC Funded Projects

Appalachian LCC Summary of 2012 Needs and RFAs

DRAFT South Atlantic LCC Science Assessment

Northeast Landscape Conservation Design Proposal

Priority Common Science Needs Next Steps

Document Actions

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