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Physical Oceanography
The Nature Conservancy's Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregional Assessment data. Includes: Seasonal data on Zooplankton - biomass data were obtained from the COPEPOD database (NOAA) for 1977-2007, Chlorophyll - measured to determine phytoplankton concentration, Sea Surface Temperature - data were extracted from three dimensional climatologies representing 28 years from 1980 - 2007, averaged, and interpolated with ordinary kriging to produce a smooth surface, and Stratification - data helps describe the physical environment of the water column near the surface. These data help to understand the seasonal patterns of mixing and stratification that help to determine areas of high productivity and benthic-pelagic coupling.
Coastal Habitat
The Nature Conservancy's Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregion Assessment data. Includes: Coastal Habitat, Coastal Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS), Shoreline Units - represents a parsing tool to help compare and contrast geographies with the understanding that boundary changes, or splitting/lumping of areas may be desirable when developing conservation approaches at more localized geographies, Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) - provides insight into the relative potential of coastal change due to future sea-level rise, and Eelgrass.
Marine Diadromous Fish
The Nature Conservancy's Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregion Assessment data. Includes: Seasonal fish trends and abundance; The Trend in Abundance Metric was developed to address the following question concerning the distribution of specific fish species relative to places in the North Atlantic Marine Ecoregion: Where in the ecoregion has the abundance been increasing or decreasing? (trends). And weighted persistence; The Weighted Persistence metric was developed to address the following questions concerning the distribution of specific fish species relative to places in the North Atlantic Marine Ecoregion: Where in the ecoregion has the species been consistently found over time? (persistence) Where in the ecoregion is the species consistently found in high abundances? (persistence weighted by abundance).
Benthic data
The Nature Conservancy's Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregional Assessment data. Includes: Bathymetry, Benthic Habitats, Benthic Sediment, Ecological Marine Units, Seabed Forms, and Ecoregional Boundaries.
Sea Turtles and Marine Mammals: Sightings Per Unit Effort
The Nature Conservancy's Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregional Assessment data. Includes: Point nesting data, Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) importance and nesting areas and sightings per unit effort (SPUE) for the three species of turtles - Green sea turtle, Leatherback turtle, and Loggerhead turtle. And Marine Mammal data: assessed, combined and converted from seasonal species sightings into 10-minute squares. Individual grids were then multiplied by 1000 and divided by seasonal effort grids previously generated by the U.S. Navy. The resulting sightings per unit effort (SPUE) grids were used to identify important areas within the Ecoregion for each species.
Document: Notes from 08-28-2014 Core Team Meeting
Summary, notes, and discussion from the August 28 Core Team Meeting in Hadley, MA.
Document: Threats Ranking Framework
Threats-ranking framework from the NE Lexicon: the document that the NE states are using to try to make State Wildlife Action Plans more comparable
Presentation: Core Area Prioritization and Network Design
UMass presentation on Core Area Prioritization and Network Design
Document: Process and Decisions for Design on the Connecticut River Pilot Project
This document includes the key decisions made through August 2014 on the Connecticut River Pilot Landscape Conservation Design Project. Where available, details such as the meeting at which we reached consensus, options considered, and associated documents are included.
Excel sheet: IUCN and Wildlife TRACS threats categories
For aiding in species weighting decisions.
Document: Connecticut River Watershed Species Weighting Matrix
The following matrix is being used by the Terrestrial and Wetland Subteam in applying the weighting criteria that the Subteam previously discussed and identified for use in assigning weights to Representative Species in the context of informing the process of how to identify core areas based on combining species landscape capability models into an optimized selection index. The matrix entries in this document are DRAFT and need Terrestrial and Wetland Subteam input to assign final entries and decide on final weights. (Note 8.5”x14” page size for printing the matrix) (Revised slightly 8/27/14 to add habitat acreage for several species)
Document: Notes from August 18 Terrestrial Team Meeting
Please read if you were unable to make this call.
Agenda: Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting, 08-28-2014
Agenda, Handouts and Presentation for August 28th Core Team Meeting in Hadley, Massachusetts from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
LCC Announces Coastal Resiliency Coordinator Position
Will oversee Hurricane Sandy resiliency projects
Geospatial Condition Report
This report "Condition of the Northeast Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitats: a geospatial analysis and tool kit" contains an analysis of 116 habitats with respect to 14 regionally assessed condition metrics.
Document: CT River Watershed Species weighting matrix
Draft matrix for weighting species, to be discussed during meeting on 8/19/2014.
2014 April-June Quarterly Report - Vernal Pools
2014 April-June (2nd) Quarterly Report - Vernal Pools
Document: 2014 Jan-March Quarterly Report - Vernal Pools
Document: 2014 Jan-March (1st) Quarterly Report - Vernal Pools
Document: April 2014 Vernal Pool Mapping and Conservation Workshop
Document contains the agenda and background materials, collected into one PDF.
Powerpoint: A Potential Application for Vernal Pool Results
Designing Sustainable Landscapes in the Northeast: A Potential Application for Vernal Pool Results. Given at the Vernal Pool Mapping and Conservation Workshop, April 7, 2014.

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