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Implications of Climate Change for State Bioassessment Programs and Freshwater Biological Traits Database Dec 05, 2012 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
The EPA hosts the Water Seminar Series.
Conservation and Global Change: The Role of Biology and Resource Management Dec 10, 2012 from 12:15 PM to 01:15 PM Washington, DC,
Thomas Lovejoy, Biodiversity Chair, H. John Heinz III Center for Science, will focus on the impacts of climate change, in particular, the potential of biological processes to reduce climate change, and the options for managing federal and other lands.
2012 July-Sept. Quarterly Report - Coastal & Marine Classification
2012 July-Sept. Quarterly Report (3rd Quarter) - Application of the Coastal and Marine Classification Standards (CMECS) to the Northeast.
Blackpoll Warbler Model Documentation - Designing Sustainable Landscapes
Documentation for the habitat capability model for Blackpoll Warbler used in the Designing Sustainable Landscapes project led by the University of Massachusetts
Wood Thrush Model Documentation - Designing Sustainable Landscapes
Documentation for the habitat capability model for Wood Thrush used in the Designing Sustainable Landscapes project led by the University of Massachusetts
2012 July-Sept. Quarterly Report - Northeast Vulnerability Assessment
2012 July-Sept. Quarterly Report (3rd Quarter) - Northeast Regional Vulnerability Assessment for Species Incorporating the NatureServe Climate Change Vulnerability Index
Document: 2012 July-Sept. Quarterly Report - Permeable Landscapes
2012 July-Sept. Quarterly Report (3rd Quarter) - Permeable Landscapes for Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Stream Temperature Data and Modeling Meeting - May 3, 2012
Hosted by EPA Region 1, USFWS Region 5 and USGS Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center.
Middle Rockies Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA) Final Results Webinar
Last year the BLM initiated “Rapid Ecoregional Assessments (REAs)” to improve the understanding of the existing condition of these landscapes, and how conditions may be altered by ongoing environmental changes and land use demands.
Quantifying the Likelihood of Regional Climate Change: A Hybridized Approach
This paper addresses the growing need for risk-based assessments of impacts and adaptation to climate change calls for increased capability in climate projections and presents a technique for the quantification of the likelihood of regional climate outcomes and the associated representation of uncertainty.
Modeling Salmonid Population Persistence Across the Streamscape
This project is developing models that can reliably forecast effects of future climate scenarios on population growth and persistence of stream dwelling salmonids.
Providing Science and Tools in Support of the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative: Designing Sustainable Landscapes for Wildlife
There is an increasing need for conservation planning over broad spatial extents that accounts for uncertainty in the effects of future climate, urban growth and other land use changes on ecological integrity and wildlife habitat capability. To address this concern in the Northeast, the North Atlantic LCC has funded a project to develop a modeling framework to predict the current and future habitat capabilities for the Northeast landscape and the priority areas for land protection, land management and ecological restoration.
Effects of Sealevel Rise and Altered Storminess on Piping Plover Breeding Habitat Along the U.S. Atlantic Coast
Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) respond rapidly to change and depend on low lying coastal areas throughout their life cycle, making them excellent indicators of climate change effects. This project is developing predictions of how Piping Plover breeding habitat will change as a result of sealevel rise and altered storminess using a coupled risk assessment model.
Meeting - December 12, 2012
Overall goals of meeting: Review and approve science projects for FY 2012; provide guidance on direction for science needs and science translation and adoption needs for 2013; agree on priorities for communications and information management; agree on next steps for conservation targets and decision support tools.
Trust for Public Land
The Trust for Public Land creates parks and protects land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come.
National Wildlife Federation
As America's largest conservation organization, National Wildlife Federation works with more than four million members, partners and supporters in communities across the country to inspire Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future.

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