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2017 International Council for the Exploration of the Seas’ Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon Annual Report
ICES Update
2017 U.S. Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee Annual Report
2017 U.S. Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee Annual Report
Conference Call notes
Final notes from May 2017 conference call.
Nature's Network Training Workshops from Jun 27, 2017 09:00 AM to Jun 29, 2017 04:30 PM U.S. FWS Northeast Regional Office, Hadley, Mass.,
During the last week of June, the team behind Nature’s Network will lead three workshops to provide training and guidance on how to use the suite of tools designed by and for partners in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic United States.
Partners identify resources for landowners in the path of marsh migration
With support from Hurricane Sandy funding, Delaware is developing outreach strategies to help concentrate efforts and funding around hot spots for marsh migration to minimize impacts on coastal communities and agricultural producers.
Introduction to Nature's Network from May 24, 2017 09:00 AM to May 25, 2017 01:00 PM Webinar,
Learn about a new set of decision-support tools developed by partners in 13 states to complement the work of different agencies and organization involved in conservation across the Northeast region.
Partners launch ‘Nature’s Network’ to guide conservation from Maine to Virginia
The North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) brought together partners from 13 states to develop a regional conservation design that can help communities work with nature to sustain wildlife and people throughout the Northeast.
Alewife Runs Open on International St. Croix River
After nearly twenty years of exile from their native waters, alewives will once again migrate up the St. Croix River watershed. The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) is pleased that Bill LD 72 became law today, requiring state officials to remove barriers to fish passage at Grand Falls Dam. The law comes into effect just in time as the alewives begin their up-river migration to their spawning grounds, and scientists are optimistic that a healthy run will be re-established.
Alewife Runs Open on International St. Croix River
After nearly twenty years of exile from their native waters, alewives will once again migrate up the St. Croix River watershed. The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) is pleased that Bill LD 72 became law today, requiring state officials to remove barriers to fish passage at Grand Falls Dam. The law comes into effect just in time as the alewives begin their up-river migration to their spawning grounds, and scientists are optimistic that a healthy run will be re-established.
Restoring Spawning Habitat for Maine Sea-run Fish
The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) announced it has now restored access to 15,000 acres of ponds and lakes and 300 miles of river for Maine’s native sea-run fish. These achievements are part of ASF’s Maine Headwaters Project that is focused on restoring critical spawning habitat to sea-run fish in tributaries identified as high priorities in State of Maine fisheries restoration plans. While the target species are Atlantic salmon and alewives, these restoration projects provide a broad range of benefits for all fish and wildlife along the river corridor.
Alewife Homecoming Celebrated on St. Croix River
Today, Tribal and federal Trustees joined with state and nongovernmental partners and Canadian officials to celebrate the reopening of the Grand Falls Dam fish ladder, which has been closed for more than two decades, limiting river herring to just 2 percent of their historic spawning grounds on the St. Croix River.
Grand Falls and Alewife Celebration (slideshow)
On June 5 a celebration at the Grand Falls Fishway was held, near the banks of the St. Croix River. The event was in honor of the reopening of all the St. Croix to the native alewives. Beginning in 1995, the Maine Legislature had closed the Grand Falls and other fishways to the alewives on the concern they might be adversely impacting the smallmouth bass, an introduced alien species.
Salmon and streams to benefit from new Climate Action Plan in USA
Conservation groups concerned with the preservation and restoration of wild Atlantic salmon in both Canada and the United States can breathe a little easier this week, following President Obama’s announcement on Tuesday that he will unveil a new Climate Action Plan to reduce carbon emissions. The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) says that the newly unveiled strategy comes at a critical time, since many populations of Atlantic salmon have declined to historically low levels across their North American range.
Experts Share "What Works and What Doesn't" in Restoring Wild Atlantic Salmon
When it comes to the recovery of wild Atlantic salmon stocks, the question on the minds of conservation managers and the public alike is “what works?” In order to synthesize current knowledge on salmon recovery, the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) is hosting an international workshop that brings together stakeholder groups, scientists, and managers to assess Atlantic salmon recovery programs across Eastern North America. International speakers and participants have been attracted to the conference, which will be held in Chamcook, N.B. on September 18-19, 2013.
Land-based Aquaculture Workshop Breaking New Ground
Scientists and representatives of the aquaculture industry from fourteen countries gathered in Shepherdstown to explore the latest advances in the technology and economics of developing methods to raise Atlantic salmon and other species in ways that remove them from the marine environment.
New Method Could Help to Restore Maine Streams
Poorly designed culverts are blocking the natural movement of brook trout and other aquatic wildlife on thousands of streams across Maine. Restoring free access to habitat is essential to protecting populations of wild brook trout. Maine has more than 80% of the remaining U.S. native stocks of brook trout, so local efforts are significant nationally. A project just completed by Downeast Lakes Land Trust and partners, with support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, has potential to be a model for cost-effective restoration of aquatic habitat.
Federal Grants Boost Maine Atlantic Salmon Restoration
The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) is pleased to receive $174,000 for the conservation organization’s Maine Headwaters Project from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Center. The funds are being used to build two fishways on tributary streams as well as replacing two impassable road crossing culverts with fish-friendly bridges. Together, these projects are providing access to 5,400 lake acres and 69 river miles for Atlantic salmon and river herring such as alewives and blueback herring.
The Downeast Salmon Federation Finishes Fin Clipping Effort with Help from the Community.
After only three weeks, the Downeast Salmon Federation, with so much help from the local community, has completed marking all 150,000 juvenile Atlantic salmon for their on-going research project at the East Machias Aquatic Research Center’s Peter Gray Hatchery.
Conservationist Honored for Restoration of Maine's Penobscot River
The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) is pleased to announce that Laura Rose Day of Hallowell, ME has been selected as the 2013 recipient of the Lee Wulff Atlantic Salmon Conservation Award. The award was presented by Christopher H. Buckley Jr., Chairman of ASF’s U.S Board of Directors, at a meeting in New York City.
Salmon Tour Makes a Splash
The Downeast Lakes Land Trust in partnership with the Grand Lake Stream Fish Hatchery, was pleased to host a tour of the hatchery and a salmon milking demonstration. Community members and students from Indian Township donned hip boots and waded into the hatchery’s frigid waters to sort immature females, and assess gravid females for their readiness to lay eggs.

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