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MillikenTyrrell Intro Slides
MillikenTyrrell Intro Slides
FWS News highlights Connect the Connecticut effort
The winter issue of FWS News highlights the innovative LCC-supported landscape conservation design project among efforts that embody the Service's vision for Strategic Habitat Conservation.
CRAVe: Climate Registry for the Assessment of Vulnerability
RAVe is a COMMUNITY RESOURCE that houses information on assessments of the vulnerability of various natural and human resources to a changing climate. Users can enter information about their vulnerability assessments and search for assessments for specific geographic regions, assessment targets or endpoints, managing entity, and other factors. CRAVe will succeed to the extent practitioners ENTER data on their assessments. Please help build capacity and knowledge in the adaptation community. Data provided here will be published on both the NCCWSC website ( and EcoAdapt’s Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (, and will be publicly accessible.
NExUS Online Database (a.k.a. 'NExUS') is a searchable online database that provides a gateway to climate information for the Eastern US, Atlantic Canada and the maritime region known as the Northwest Atlantic. NExUS summarizes available data, tools, plans and reports; climate-related organizations; ongoing projects; and needs for climate information identified largely in publications. This search tool for regional climate information seeks to foster collaborative opportunities for climate-related work in the Eastern US and Atlantic Canada.
Northeast Synthesis 2015 Summary
Executive summary for the revised SWAP Synthesis Report
2015 Northeast Regional Conservation Synthesis
Revised 2015-12-31
Terrestrial Habitat Map, Northern Appalachians
DSLland, Version 3, Northeast
This dataset represents terrestrial and wetland ecological systems of the Northeast (based on NatureServe's Ecological Systems Classifications) combined with human-modified land types such as roads and agriculture. It is a substantial revision of the map of the Northeast Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat Classification System (developed by The Nature Conservancy and the northeastern state wildlife agencies) that reflect newer information on development, wetlands, and streams.
Index of Ecological Integrity, Stratified by Ecosystem, Version 3.1, Northeast
This dataset depicts the ecological integrity of locations (represented by 30 m grid cells) throughout the northeastern United States based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Ecological integrity is defined as the ability of an area (e.g., local site or landscape) to sustain important ecological functions over the long term. In particular, the functions include the long-term ability to support biodiversity and the ecosystem processes necessary to sustain biodiversity. The Index of Ecological Integrity (IEI) is expressed on a relative scale (0 to 1) for ecosystems mapped on a modified version of the Northeast Terrestrial Habitat Map developed by the Nature Conservancy and the northeastern states. Ecosystems are the finest scale level of the ecological classification hierarchy. Classes include "Northeastern Interior Pine Barrens" and "Acidic Cliff and Talus".
Webinar: Piloting Landscape Conservation Design in the Connecticut River Watershed Feb 10, 2016 from 03:30 PM to 05:00 PM Webinar,
Learn how the Designing Sustainable Landscapes Project developed a network of priority lands and waters in the Connecticut River watershed by using an innovative modeling approach to combine predictions about future landscape change with assessments of current ecological integrity for a set of key species.
Memo from Dan Ashe
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Memo from Dan Ashe
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Permeable Landscapes for Climate Change (March 2015 version)
Permeable Landscapes for Climate Change (March 2015 version). This is the final report prepared under the North Atlantic LCC agreement. However, a revised version (prepared using funding from another source) is expected in March 2016.
Monarchs in the Southwest
Monarchs in the Midwest
Region 5 Monarch Team List
Region 5 Monarch team contact list by department
USFWS Northeast Region Monarch Update
Monarch Breeding Habitat Assessment Tool
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund
National Wildlife Federation – Garden for Wildlife

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