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Rapid Assessment Protocol for Aquatic Passability of Tidally Influenced Road-Stream Crossings

There is growing interest among conservation practitioners to have a method to assess tidally influenced crossings for their potential as barriers to aquatic organism passage. Protocols designed for freshwater streams will not adequately address the passage challenges of bi-directional flow and widely variable depth and velocity of tidally influenced systems. Diadromous fish must be able to overcome the enhanced water velocities associated with tidal restrictions to reach upstream spawning habitat. This project will build on the existing North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative's protocol, database and scoring procedures to extend the applicability of this region-wide program to road-stream crossings in tidally influenced settings.

Modification Date: Fri 23 Oct 2015 01:57:00 PM

Contributors: megantyrrell

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document icon Tidal Crossings Assessments Workshop notes_consolidated.docx — application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 176 kB (181,175 bytes)

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